Student Solution


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Endocrinology Discussion Question 2

Endocrinology Discussion Question 2

Q 1. What is the purpose of the hypothalamic pituitary portal system. 2. How does a releasing hormone differ from a trophic hormone? 3.Why does ACTH only affect the adrenals? 4. 4. Identify this pathology based on the lab results: ACTH: 1.2 pg/ml (Range: 5.7-9.2) Cortisol: 21 ug/dL (Range: 80-120) 5. 5. Why wouldn't the dexamethasone test work on someone with adrenal Cushing's?

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1. The function of hypothalamic pituitary portal system is a system of blood vessels in the brain that connects the hypothalamus with the with the anterior pituitary . The hypothalamic pituitary portal system helps in the transport and exchange of hormones which helps in the fast transmission of hormones between bot the glands . The pituitary gland is also called as master gland as it maintains and regulates the proper functioning of other glands.